The Certificate of Need program is a state regulatory review process that manages the initiation or expansion of health care facilities and/or services. Certificates of Need are issued by the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) to increase the number of licensed hospital beds; construct a new health care facility; or establish tertiary services such as burn units, organ transplantation, or neonatal intensive care services. The goal of the CON program is to minimize health care costs by limiting expenditure on capital projects to only those programs and services necessary to ensure quality patient care.
The Health Council collects hospital and nursing home utilization data to help guide AHCA in the CON decision-making process. The Health Council also monitors the progress of construction on approved CONs and facilitates public hearings on CON applications under review by the Agency for Health Care Administration.
Hospital and nursing home utilization data is available for purchase from the Health Council.
Contact the Health Council at to purchase or subscribe to quarterly and annual utilization reports. The CON data pricing schedule is shown below.
Quarterly Hospital Utilization Report – $35
Quarterly Nursing Home Utilization Report – $35
Annual Hospital Utilization Report – $75
Annual Nursing Home Utilization Report – $50
Hospital Utilization Data Subscription $125
Nursing Home Utilization Data Subscription – $100